
District Of Columbia

All new listings will be signified by during the first two weeks of posting!

AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations)

AFL-CIO (Researcher and Campaigner Resume Posting Service)

AFM (Metropolitan Washington DC Federation of Musicians, AFM Local 161-710)

AFSCME (American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees – Regional and International Positions)


Alphabet Workers Union (AWU-CWA Local 9009)

CIR/SEIU (Committee of Interns & Residents)

CJNRC (Climate Jobs National Resource Center)

FEA (Federal Education Association)

Global Labor Justice

IAF (Metro Industrial Areas Foundation)

IAMAW (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers)

IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers)

IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters)

Iron Workers (International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental, and Reinforcing Iron Workers)

LIUNA (Laborers International Union of North America)

NABTU (North America's Building Trades Unions)

NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Association)

NEA (National Education Association)

NNU (National Nurses United)

Our Revolution

SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild — American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)

SEIU (Local 32BJ)

SEIU (SEIU Education and Support Fund)

SOC (Strategic Organizing Center)

UAW (United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union)

UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union)


UNITE HERE (Local 25)

WILL Empower (WE Innovate Labor Leadership)



National Listings

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All new listings will be signified by during the first two weeks of posting!

AFSCME (AFSCME Indiana-Kentucky Council 962)


Alphabet Workers Union (AWU-CWA Local 9009)

CIR/SEIU (Committee of Interns & Residents)

CJNRC (Climate Jobs National Resource Center)

For the Many

IAF (Metro Industrial Areas Foundation)

IBT (International Brotherhood of Teamsters)

IFPTE (Engineers and Scientists of California, IFPTE Local 20)

KRC (Keystone Research Center)

LERC (Labor Education and Research Center, University of Oregon)

MCEA (Montgomery County Education Association)

New Brookwood Labor College

OFNHP (Oregon Federation of Nurse and Health Professionals / AFT Healthcare Local 5017)

Our Revolution

UAW (United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America International Union)

UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union)

USW (United Steelworkers)

WEA (Washington Education Association)